

When I was preparing for an IELTS exam (English exam that many internationals took), I knew that
something unexpected could happen; I might get lost in a listening part and not score enough points.
But I also knew that I might get the needed grade if I practised enough. 
When I started searching for a room in Utrecht, all the ads saying ''no internationals'' and stories about
ending up as a ''homeless student'' got me scared. But I knew if I started searching soon enough, I
might succeed. These rather simple situations were not that hard to remain hopeful about – much
depended on me. 
But then there are extreme weather events: floods, wildfires and droughts, biodiversity loss and global
suffering. If you ever dare to hope about the brighter future without crossing 1.5C, some GSS lectures
and failed COP26, ongoing ''infinite growth mindset''; might have crushed it. 
You can live zero-waste, buy local food, be vegan, boycott air-travelling, plant trees, donate money...
And still – not a single pair of hands has the power to prevent the catastrophe we are heading to.
How to feel hopeful then? 
Get informed
There are so many great books and articles written, so many wonderful scientists are working
worldwide (in Utrecht too!). On the one hand, it's devastating to realize that so hardly (even if at all)
that knowledge finds its way to the most powerful people. But despite that, sometimes reading,
listening, learning is the key to keeping sanity (sometimes distancing is better). At least for me, it's
comforting that so much is already investigated. Then the only task for me is to read and…
An interesting fact from a lecture, a quote from a book, a random thought. Maybe telling mum via
phone call or posting on social media. And don't say that you don't have enough followers! If you have
more than 1 (and they aren't only your mum's you talked before accounts) – it's worth it. We need a
hope-inducing mindset shift, and for that, we need more informed people.
Fellow GSSers, local activist groups (UR Utrecht or XR the Netherlands, Fridays For Future and
many more), people on social media. All over the world, there are many fellas like you. They struggle,
are concerned, and sometimes afraid, but they protest, talk, write, demand, and show in many different
ways that they care. 
Sometimes all it takes to regain more positivity is scrolling through some activists' Instagram profiles.
Not for responsibility shifting, but inspiration, how I could become a ''team member''. Offline and
online buddies help to feel less alone and powerless. Their tiny hope adds to your tiny hope, and we get
a less tiny hope! (or am I bad with Maths?) 

Take action
Got your buddies? Got your inspiration? Go to a protest, get involved in a movement, write a letter,
demand climate justice, sit with a poster on the street. Or, as said, share something on social media. Be
creative! (from my experience, when taking action I feel the most hopeful)
Take care of yourself
To feel hope and act, you need to have good physical and mental health. Good night sleep, healthy
(plant-rich) diet, movement, hydration, mindfulness, gratitude for small things, time in nature... Yeah, I
might sound like a monk, but trust me on this; it‘s hard to connect, feel inspired, be open for knowledge
or share anything when you‘re tired or just lie in tears of eco-or-any-other-anxiety. Maybe I should
have put this point first, haha. 
Happy and rested = more power = more action = more hope! 
Don't forget that that‘s only my perspective! At the moment, these things are helping me out :) And!!!
If you're feeling stressed, talk to someone or perhaps the confidants from Storm (contact details of them and other people you could go to here). They will surely help
you out! 
Wishing you all the best*,
*ups, I meant hope

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