Excursion Oostvaardersplassen

About this event

Lectures and Excursions Committee 2017/2018
Date and time
Mar 20, 2018 10:20 - 17:00

Hi guys, here comes the next event by the amazing L'EXplorers! 
On the 20th of March we will explore the Oostvaardersplassen together with a ranger from Staatsbosbeheer. For those of you that are not familiar with this nature reserve, it is a large wetland area in Flevoland that has very little human interference. The idea is that the ecosystem should be able to sustain itself, even during harsh winters when there is little to eat for the wild horses and deer that live there. The ranger that will guide us is specialized in ecology and nature conservation, and we challenge you to ask critical questions about their nature policy! 

Time schedule: 
10:20 Gather at Utrecht Centraal, above track 7
13:30 Arrival at the visitor's center Oostvaardersveld
15:30 Tour is finished, travelling back to Utrecht
18:30 Back in Utrecht

Registration link:

See you there!