Welcome to the website of Storm! Storm is the study association for Sustainability Sciences at Utrecht University. You can always find people in our association room in the Buys Ballot Building at Utrecht Science Park, in room 2.79. If you have any questions or want to get in contact with the association, feel free to come by or reach out to us through our mail or phone! You can find the Board’s details at the bottom of the page!
Upcoming Events
CoCo: Origami for your Mami
- Social
- voorstraat 77
Master: PingPong Club
- Social
- Concordiastraat 80
KoloKolo: Valentines Dinner
- Social
- Buurthuis Sterrenzicht
Semi-Annual General Meeting
- Storm
- Pangea
Carnival Party
- Social
- Club Maggy

Storm Blog
Read Well with the Icky Guys: Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
- Storm
Meditations is a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, a Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher, in which he reflects on his own...
- Lifestyle
They say that when you are able to teach someone, you have a good understanding of the topic. At least that is what people always told me. So...
Wind in the back
- Storm
This weekend I went on the sailing trip organized by the sports and games committee. Together with 41 fellow Stormers, we travelled to Sneek...
I gotta feeling
- Lifestyle
I gotta feeling that this is how it is supposed to be… After at least 2 years of online/hybrid classes, we got to experience what an actual...
Life under an anatomy atlas
- Lifestyle
Some of you might already know that I had been a medical student before coming here. Over 3,5 years (4,5 if we include my academic break),...
Introduction week
Storm organises an introduction week and weekend for GSS students and one for SUSD/WSM students! Filled with fun activities that help you get to know Utrecht, the unversity, and your peers, it is a week you don't want to miss! Check out the "New Stormers" Tab for more information.