Photography Committee
Hi Stormers,
Welcome to this little introduction talk on behalf of the photography committee! This year pixcie was able to start at the beginning of the academic year, YES!!! We already had our first, real life, meeting which was a lot of fun. We are an enthusiastic group and we are all excited to make sure all the fun activities are captured on camera. This year we might also have our own 'pixcie event' but more information will follow on that. As we did last year we will also be working on a Storm photobook. So be sure to look stunning on every activity as you might end up in the photobook...
Some fun facts about us:
Selma loves the winter season, especially the sound of snow boots crushing the snow. That reminds her of winter sports!
Anda had a really really good beer cantus, so good she fell from her bike on the way back and broke a tooth...
Silvia likes cooking, however sometimes the cooking process is a bit too much and small accidents happen... Such as putting her wooden spoon in the blender.. whoops.
If you ever find yourself brushing your teeth in the same room as Teresa; dont mind her. Her nose always tickles when she brushes her teeth so she mind act a bit strange…
Marie can play AC/DC on her ukulele. If you want to hear this feel free to contact her :)
Sofia has lived in Dubai for 15 years, how cool is that!?
Tjeerd has during Storms leeftweekend on its way to Bremen been in a Schalke fan fan bus.
Lizanne does not collect stickers or beer bottles, or avocado pits, no no, she collects nail polish. She probably has every colour you can imagine...
Donna has had a Donald Duck subscription since 2008, and she is very proud of that.